I've decided that I'm bored with my old blog and I'm doing a bit of renovating. So, please excuse the mess and hopefully I will have the place looking respectable again soon!
Posted by Tina at 7:47 PM | 1 comments read on
Having a Baby in Brisbane? Southside Residents, this is for you!
It's on again!The Childbirth Education Association (CEA) are running their fantastic Childbirth Choices Information Seminar at Mount Gravatt on Saturday 7th March 2009.
Childbirth Choices is for women and couples who are either pregnant or planning a baby, and will present to southside residents all of the available options for pregnancy and birth. Topics covered include:
Where can I birth?
Southside birthing options explained: Mater public, private, Midwifery group practice, Birth Centre, and Home birth.
How can I birth my way?
Learn about Navigating the Maternity system
Questions to ask your care providers
Take home information about pregnancy, birthing and parenting.
What care can I expect at birth?
The different care professionals at birth explained.
Talk with carers and experts about your choices.
Hear positive birth stories from parents talking about their choices.
These seminars are a wealth of information for those who just aren't sure where to start, or are overwhelmed by the decisions about types care and where to birth that need to be made in early pregnancy. You'll walk away with a clear idea of the options available to you and the pros and cons of each, as well as knowing how to move forward when you've chosen a model of care and birth place. The seminar is presented by maternity service providers, childbirth experts, and mums and dads with first hand experience of the birthing options available in Brisbane. The information is balanced and untainted by the agendas that so often filter through discussions about birthing options.
Childbirth Choices Information Seminar, Garden City Public Library (Mt Gravatt), Saturday 7th March at 2pm. For more details and to book, visit the CEA website.
Labels: birthing options, careproviders
Posted by Tina at 11:59 AM | 0 comments read on
Happy 2009!

Happy New Year to all who drop by here. And especially warm wishes to the mums, babes, and families who have shared their birthing journey with me in 2008. Thank you for opening up such an intimate and personal life experience to me. I am blessed to have walked the road with each of you.
May the new year be filled with love and laughter, for you and your beautiful babies.
Incidentally, one of my resolutions is to update here regularly. I have been improving over recent months, but I can do better. Lets see if I can make a post every week. Stay tuned.
Bring on 2009!
Posted by Tina at 10:46 PM | 0 comments read on