The Blessingway - A Birthing Ritual

A blessingway brings together the women in our lives whose love and support means the most to us, and whose wisdom will guide us through the uncharted path to motherhood. The blessingway is for our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, best friends and soulmates. Through symbolic ceremonies and rituals in which all take part, the mother-to-be is strengthened, supported, and nurtured in preparation for her birthing time.
Blessingways are a personal expression of the mother and her circle. Here are some ideas you can use to inspire your own.
Belly Painting: Using non toxic natural paints or henna, a design is painted onto the mother-to-be's big baby belly.
Beads: Each person brings with them a bead, over which they say their own personal prayer/blessing/wish. The beads are threaded onto some string to make a bracelet or a necklace. The birthing mother has these beads with her in labour and draws on the strength and love of those in her circle.
Candles: Each person undertakes to light a candle for the mother when labour has begun.
Massage and Pampering: Using scented oils, soft towels and incense the mother-to-be is pampered and massaged. Hair brushing, or a facial/pedicure can also form part of this ritual.
Notes and Blessings: Handwritten notes of love, support and birthing or mothering wisdom can be pasted into a special notebook for the mother to keep.
Labels: conscious birthing
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- Published:
- 2:54 PM
- by Tina
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